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Your Estate Planning To-Do List (Step 5 – Review)

by | Dec 21, 2022 | Wills & Estates

As previously discussed, an estate plan is more than just a Will.  Over the last few weeks we have taken you through Steps 1 – 4 of our estate planning ‘to-do’ list which involved:

  1. Gathering Information;
  2. Seeking Advice;
  3. Making Decisions and Drafting Documents; and
  4. Conversations and Further Planning.

There is one final step to our to-do list which is just as important as steps 1 to 4.

Final step – Review

We always recommend to our clients that they review their Will and other documents at least every 2-3 years.  This means just reading through the documents carefully to make sure that there are no changes to be made and that it all still reflects your wishes.  Other times when you may wish to review your documents are when ‘life events’ occur such as the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, purchasing new property, etc.

How can Nevett Ford help?

Our Wills and Estates Team has extensive experience and expertise and can guide our clients through the preparation of Wills, Powers of Attorney and other Estate Planning documents.  We work with our clients to ensure that you are provided tailored solutions to protect your family and your assets.  If you would like further information, please contact our team at melbourne@nevettford.com.au or on +613 9614 7111.