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How Do I Find a Will After Someone Dies?

How Do I Find a Will After Someone Dies?

There is no simple answer to this question. There is no single repository of Wills, and a Will does not need to have been registered. It is customary practice for original Wills to be kept by individuals in their safe storage or by lawyers who prepared the Will. A...
Can I Include My Pet in My Will?

Can I Include My Pet in My Will?

It is reported that there are over 29 million pets in Australia making it one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world.  For many of us, our pets are thought as part of our families but, have you considered what will happen if your pet outlives you?  In...
Electronic Signatures During Covid-19

Electronic Signatures During Covid-19

On 12 May 2020 new Victorian Regulations were made in regard to the execution and witnessing of documents during the COVID-19 pandemic.  In order to ease the logistical challenges with signing documents in these times, the Victorian government introduced the COVID-19...