Getting together your personal documents early saves you time and money and saves your lawyer having to repeatedly request them off you. It will allow you or your lawyer to be on the front foot and get ahead of the other party. Here’s part two of our top docs list:
- any documents relating to any business, partnership, company or trust (trust deeds, partnership agreements, business contracts, financial statements, tax returns, letters from accountants) – for at least the past three (3) years;
- insurance documents (life insurance and income protection insurance – ie. those which detail the policy ownership and value);
- registration and ownership documents for cars, boats, and other vehicles;
- current ownership records/documents for any other asset they have (property, vehicles, boats, shares, investments, bank accounts);
- documents detailing the historical purchase and sale of important assets (eg. properties);
Look out for part one and part three of this list as well, or contact our family law firm in Melbourne at 03 9614 7111 for even more details of what you can assemble.