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Family and Relationships

Southside Justice – LGBTQI



As a leading family law firm in Melbourne, Nevett Ford lawyers are committed to inclusive laws and access to those laws in Australia, including same-sex marriage laws, gay parenting rights, and trans recognition. We take pride in ensuring the LGBTQI+ community has greater and more transparent access to family law services.

We have a wealth of experience advising clients with a wide range of simple to very complex family law matters, from same-sex prenups and same-sex parenting rights to intervention orders and criminal charges. Our team is always ready to guide you through the necessary legalities and provide expert advice in a tailored and inclusive manner.

Our family lawyers genuinely believe in prioritising our clients’ experiences with the legal system and our service; hence, we always ensure to be open and transparent about the process, our fees, and family law.

Get in touch with Nevett Ford today for a comprehensive legal solution.

LGBTQI+ Family Law Services That We Offer

Same-Sex Marriage

The team at Nevett Ford is committed to helping same-sex couples overcome any hurdles in order to be lawfully married under the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Act 2017. We are also ready to assist in any other areas of family law including lesbian and gay parenting, gay couple adoption, and LGBT parenting.

Same-sex, diverse, and transgender de facto relationships

Speak to our experienced Nevett Ford lawyers to ascertain whether you are in a de facto relationship and address any property claims or obligations that may arise.


Same-sex prenuptial agreement

We can help you draw up a prenup or a financial binding agreement to ensure you have clearly-defined property settlements. We can also advise you about your access to these types of documents if you are concerned about complications due to your sexual or gender identity, including if there has been a transition before, during, or after your relationship.

Same-Sex Immigration

Spouses, the affianced, and de facto partners are just a few of the eligible applicants for bringing family members to Australia through the family migration stream. However, due to its complexity and ever-changing nature, it is important to obtain advice from one of our legal professionals before launching any visa application.

Same-Sex Divorce

If you need an LGBTQI+ divorce, our experts are here to help you get the resolution you need. The experienced same-sex divorce lawyers at Nevett Ford are ready to resolve your disputes and guide you at every step of the process.

Who You’ll Work With

Richard Hamilton
Erin Trantino
Stacey Raphael

Topics We’ve Written About

Weekly Champions of Pride Award

Different Types of Domestic Violence


When Does A Relationship Qualify As Defacto?

Get Expert Advice From Nevett Ford

Compared to other areas of law, family law has a higher emotional stake for clients as they are dealing with current or former loved ones. To determine the best path forward, speak to the team at Nevett Ford. Here are a few reasons why you might wish to engage our expert services:

● We take into account the nuances of LGBTQI+ family law cases in a supportive and inclusive manner.
● Decades of experience and a wide range of service areas mean we can draw on knowledge from across our firm to inform your decisions.
● Initial fixed-cost consultations so you know where you stand before committing to a course of action.
● Personal, tailored service that accommodates your needs and what value you will get from our service instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.
● Speak to your lawyer with no ‘gatekeeping’ by support staff.

    Contact us

    If you are overseas, please call our office on +61 3 9614 7111 between the hours of 9:00am to 5:30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. Outside of these hours, please indicate your email address below and we will reply to you as soon as possible.