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Say “I do” to a Prenup!

by | May 3, 2024 | Family Law


Having the hard discussions before walking down the alter can save you a pretty penny and a whole lot of headache.

Prenuptial agreements outline how your assets and liabilities would be divided in the event you separate from your partner. It is essentially a safety net just in case things don’t work out as you hoped. Just like people obtain a Will or Life Insurance, planning for the ‘worst case’ in your relationship provides peace of mind and can help you protect yourself financially.

Whilst it’s not the most romantic conversation to have with a partner the long term benefits far outweigh any temporary discomfort. Prenups provide you with the opportunity to protect your hard earned assets.

Pop star Ariana Grande is reaping the benefits of a prenup after saying “Thank U, Next” to her Husband of 6-months Dalton Gomez. It is speculated that Ms Grande’s current net worth is around $240 Million US Dollars. However, thanks to an iron clad prenup Ms Grande only had to pay her ex-husband $1.5 million in settlement. In this case, the prenup has very much served its purpose to protect Ms Grande’s hard earned millions.

If you would like further information about a prenup please contact our experienced Family Law team on (03) 96147111.