Landlords should avoid delays in providing executed Lease document to tenants
Section 22 of the Retail Leases Act 2003 (Vic) (RLA) provides:
- Within 28 days (or such other period as is agreed in writing between the landlord and the tenant) after being given a copy of the retail premises lease signed by the tenant, the landlord must give the tenant a copy (which may be a photocopy) of the lease signed by the landlord and the tenant.
- If the landlord fails to provide the executed lease to the tenant within that period, the tenant may give the landlord a written notice of termination of the lease at any time within 28 days after:
- Entering into the lease,
- The tenant is given a copy of the lease signed by the landlord and the tenant; or
whichever happens last
- If the tenant gives the landlord a notice of termination in accordance with the above, the lease terminates 14 days after the notice is given.
Accordingly, Section 22 requires a landlord to give to the tenant a copy of the lease document signed by both the landlord and the tenant within 28 days of receiving a copy of the lease document signed by the tenant.
A failure by a landlord to provide the fully executed lease document to the tenant within that 28 day period, places the tenant in a position where the tenant obtains a window of opportunity to terminate the lease.
In an effort to avoid the situation where the tenant is empowered to terminate the lease under Section 22, we suggest that if, prior to the execution of the lease documents, a landlord anticipates a delay in returning the fully executed lease document to the tenant, then the landlord should ensure the lease contains a provision which allows the landlord to return the executed lease document to the tenant outside of the 28 day period. This is allowable because Section 22 clearly states “within 28 days, or such other period as is agreed in writing between the landlord and the tenant”.
If you require assistance with retail leasing please contract Nevett Ford.