new-matter-pitchersNEW MATTER PITCHERSPlease complete where the client is not already existing on Affinity and continue to a matter request form. State * State * Victoria New South Wales Queensland Western Australia South Australia Tasmania Northern Territory Australian Capital Territory Matter Contact: If the client is a company, please provide the contact person you will be dealing with including name, position, email and contact phone number Matter description * Expected completion date: The date you expect the matter to be finalised. If you leave this blank, the default will be 31 December of this year. Conflict check has been done * A matter will not be opened until a conflict check has been done Conflict check has been done * A matter will not be opened until a conflict check has been done Yes No Matter type * Matter type *Appeals FCC/FC/HC (MIGAP)Appeals AT (MIGAT)Business 188/888 (MIGBM)Character (MIGCH)Employer 186/187 (MIGEM)Family Parent/Child (MIGPC)General (MIGGE)General Skilled 189/190 (MIGSK)GlobeVisa 188/888 (MIGGL)Ministerial Intervention (MIGMI)Melissa Vincenty (MIGMV)Partner 300/309/820 (MIGPA)Temp Work 457/TSS (MIG45)Temp Work 482/TSS (MIG48)Temp Work Other (MIGTO) Matter author * Matter author * Michelle Zhou Matter controller Matter controller Ryan Curtis-Griffiths Matter partner * Matter partner * Ryan Curtis-Griffiths Is this a NF Workforce Mobility matter? * Is this a NF Workforce Mobility matter? * Yes No Fees (exc GST) * Department Fees (inc surcharge) Other disbursements (exc GST) GST amount * (Fees + Admin Fee + Disbursements)*.10 Total cost (inc GST) * Fees + Admin Fee + Disbursements + Third Party Fees + GST Upfront costs * The amount the client is to pay before work is commenced on this matter. Instructions received * "You have instructed us to...." Matter file note * G:/ Folders G:/ Folders Application documents Debt collection ENS nomination documents ENV visa documents Nomination documents Partner visa documents Questionnaire & forms SBS documents State sponsorship documents Visa documents Who has completed this form? * Submit