In a joint media release Minister’s Clare, O’Connor and O’Neil announced a number of changes within the international student sector.
Increase in savings required
Evidence of savings for international students will need to show evidence of $24,505 in savings from 1 October 2023.
This is a 17% increase on the current levels and amounts to the equivalent of indexation since 2019 and reflects the increases in living expenses since that time.
Changing courses
Taking effect immediately, the Government has changed the ability of international students who have been in Australia for less than six months, to change from genuine study to arrangements such as ‘concurrent enrolment’ that facilitated working in Australia.
Fit and proper persons
Suspension certificates can be issued under s97 of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS Act) to high-risk education providers. The Government has identified more than 200 providers with visa refusal rates higher than 50%.
An government Instrument has also been released that strengthens the fit and proper persons standards for persons who exercise a degree of control or influence over the management or operation of a training organisation. The purpose of these changes is to increase public confidence in their suitability to manage, or be involved with, an organisation that provides or assesses national VET qualifications.
If you have any questions about any type of visas please feel free to contact Nevett Ford Lawyers at + 61 3 9614 7111
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