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Designated Area Migration Agreements – Update (June 2019)

by | Jun 20, 2019 | Migration

Presently there are two Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMAs) which have been endorsed by the   (DHA) and are open, accepting applications from employers.  The two commenced DAMAs are:

In additional the DHA have recently endorsed multiple Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMAs), which have not yet commenced operation specifically:

  • City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia – “Goldfields DAMA”
  • Adelaide Technology & Innovation Advancement Agreement “Adelaide DAMA”, South Australia;
  • South Australian Regional Workforce Agreement;
  • Orana Region, NSW – “Dubbo DAMA”.

DAMAs Which Have Commenced

Northern Territory DAMA II

The Northern Territory has had an existing DAMA program for over 5 years.  It is very well established and permits applications from employers for endorsement of 117 occupations.

Warrnambool DAMA

The Warrnambool DAMA has only recently commenced operation with applications being accepted on 12 June 2019.  Employer can access up to 100 places in the first year of operation within 27 occupations.  This first round of the DAMA will be closing on 5th July 2019.

DAMAs Which Have Not Yet Commenced

The other four DAMAs have not yet commenced accepting applications from employers, however both the South Australian DAMAs and the Goldfields DAMA are due to commence on 1 July 2019.  All three have details of the occupations which employers will be able to access under this program with the South Australian program (in particular) providing extensive information on the concessions available, including age concessions for particular occupations under the permanent visa program. 

Details regarding the Dubbo DAMA are yet to be released.

How Do The DAMA Programs Work? 

The DAMA framework is an employer-driven visa program.  This means it is not possible for a visa applicant to apply for a DAMA visa until and unless you have a suitable employer based in a DAMA approved region.  As a first step, that employer must undertake the necessary approval process with their regional development authority. 

If you are an employer who is based in one of these areas and have skilled recruitment difficulties or are wanting to support an applicant who does not appear to fit within standard immigration regulations, please contact us to discuss how the DAMA programs may be able to benefit your business and visa holding employees with long-term visa solutions. 

Should you have any questions about the above information or if you want to discuss how your business can access these arrangements in more detail please do not hesitate to contact us for a confidential discussion on (03) 9614 7111 on send us an online enquiry.