Russell Crowe has recently opened up about the struggle he had to spend quality time with his children after finalising his divorce from Danielle Spencer.
Crowe has two sons, aged 16 and 13 years old. In a recent interview, Crowe revealed “I don’t get to wake up with them every day. And I get them every year between December 27 and January 15.”
Under the Family Law Act 1975, the best interests of the children is the basis upon which the Court makes regarding children. When parents make parenting plans or arrangements, they are also expected to consider this as the most important and guiding principle.
The Court has two primary considerations when determining what is in the best interests of the child. The first is the benefit to the child having a meaningful relationship with both parents. The second is the need to protect a child from risk that they may suffer any physical or psychological harm. Section 60CC of the Act provides numerous other factors the Court will consider when determining the best interests of the child.
The best interests of a child is obviously a very wide consideration and involves multiple factors including existing relationship and practicalities of spending time. It is almost impossible to comment on any specific case, such as Mr Crowe’s, without a full background on the facts and history of the matter. Before you enter into any parenting arrangements, you should always consider taking legal advice.
If you are in the same dilemma Mr Crowe found himself in, simply want to spend more time with your children, or you are seeking to make or change a parenting arrangement, it is a good time for you to consult one of our friendly and understanding Family Lawyers here at Nevett Ford by ringing 03 9614 7111 or otherwise send us an email at