There are a number of Australian student visa holders currently stranded offshore holding student visas and Bridging Visa Bs (BVB). There are possible solutions below.
Student Visas
Although a student visa requires you to study full time, due to the current travel restrictions the Department of Home Affairs is allowing students to continue their studies remotely from overseas. This will allow you to complete your course and assessments as required and return to Australia (if your visa remains current) after the travel restrictions are lifted and continue your studies.
Bridging Visa B (BVB) Holders
The Minister for Immigration has no legislative power to grant a Bridging Visa to someone who is offshore. However, if you hold a current BVB and are stranded offshore you can request the delegate who granted the visa to ‘vacate’ the expiry date of the BVB and substitute a more favourable date. This is discretionary but a request can be made. Alternatively, if you can obtain a new tourist visa when the travel restrictions are lifted you can return to Australia and apply for reinstatement of your Bridging Visa A (BVA).
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