The purpose of this new visa stream is to provide a pathway for current working holiday makers and certain temporary visas holders (Subclass 457/482) to lawfully remain in Australia. These visa holders would otherwise be required to depart Australia, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are unable to leave Australia.
The new visa stream limits the persons who can be granted the Subclass 408 visa to those who hold a visa that is 28 days or less from ceasing to be in effect, or held a visa that is no more than 28 days from ceasing to be in effect.
This is also to implement a measure to respond to workforce shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to areas including, but not limited to, agriculture, aged care and public health. The new visa stream allows holders of temporary visas (who are currently engaged in, or have the relevant skills to undertake critical work relating to supply of essential goods and services) to apply, provided the applicant falls within the following specified by the government.
- Healthcare;
- Disability and aged care;
- Childcare; and,
- Agriculture.
Additionally, this also applies to those who are unable to apply for the same temporary visa they hold or held or any other subclass of temporary visa other than the Subclass 408 visa.
Who Can Apply:
COVID-19 Pandemic
- Remain in Australia if you have no other visa options and are unable to depart Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
- Remain in Australia to assist in critical sectors including healthcare, disability and aged care, childcare and agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 pandemic fee: Nil
How to Apply:
Online and must be in Australia to be granted the COVID-19 Pandemic event visa.
Visa Validity:
May be granted up to 4 years.
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