Often as lawyers we see the influence of step parents for children. If those step parents are not a good influence on a parent of a child, that can indicate problems that a parent may have in prioritising their child over other, self-destructive behaviours.
On the other hand and in a more positive light, most often it seems to us that step mums and step dads are valuable members of the co-parenting community around children of separated couples. Even better, step parents can be responsible for motivating a mother or father to be more involved with their children, encouraging more appropriate arrangements or more substantial time with a mum or dad, or providing a “reality check” on what is or is not acceptable behaviour for both parents.
It is all too easy for a separated couple to be so caught up in their conflict that they can’t see the wood for the trees and realise how their relationship is affecting their children, or how the patterns of abuse or control that existed in the relationship have persisted after the relationship, albeit in a different form.
Call our lawyers now on 9614 7111 or send us an email at melbourne@nevettford.com.au to speak to us about your situation, and how you might be able to right an injustice or unfairness with your partner.