Trustees, Trustee Companies, Holding Company, Unit Trusts, Shareholdings, Directors, Appointors, Nominees, Probate, Estates, Financial Planners and Forensic Accountants.
What does it all mean? These are just a sample of the words that may get thrown at you in a family law dispute when you have to start to explore and understand structures to preserve and protect your wealth together. Lawyers often do not have an appreciation of the unfamiliarity of some of these terms, or are unable to assess whether you are truly cognisant of what is meant by these terms, even if they are familiar to you. Then, if you are an expert in these terms, and maybe work as a financial planner or with complex schemes often, the fact that many lawyers do not truly seem to understand these structures can become all the more apparent to you.
Whichever side of this you experience, you would appreciate a team of lawyers who understands and really appreciates how your wealth is set up, and can understand why it might have been set up that way. At Nevett Ford, understanding and explaining complex structures like this is our bread and butter, and with an experienced team of commercial lawyers on call within our firm, you truly have access to complete service the best family law firm in Melbourne can offer. Call us now on 03 9614 7111 or email for assistance with your complex family law property settlement and division.