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Visa Cancellation

by | Dec 12, 2017 | Migration

The Full Federal Court of Australia has clarified the test of “risk” in cancellation decisions.

Justice Charlesworth in the case of Muggeridge v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCAFC 200 held at paragraph 46:
        ‘The fact of prior offending will, in most if not all cases, invite consideration of the question of whether the person in question in fact presents some risk to the Australian community and the starting point in that consideration will invariably be the fact of the prior offending. But that is all. The statute does not, of itself, supply an answer to the factual question of whether a particular visa holder has a propensity, however slight, to re-offend.’

This case will likely have a large impact on person’s whose visa was cancelled on the basis of historical offending.

If your visa has been cancelled or you have received a notice of intention to cancel, it is important to obtain proper legal advice.

For further information, advice and assistance, please contact the experienced team of Immigration Lawyers and Registered Migration Agents at Nevett Ford Lawyers Melbourne:

Telephone: + 61 3 9614 7111