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U.S. Diversity (Green Card) Lottery for 2020 is Now Open

by | Oct 17, 2018 | Migration

Are you in the U.S. on an E-3 and would like to get a green card?  One way to get permanent residency is to enter the U.S. Diversity Lottery and maybe you will be selected as a lucky winner in the next year! 

You will have to be quick, as the applications are now open and only available until the beginning of November.  With the current political climate in the U.S, we do not know if the program will continue in the future, so if you have any desire to make your stay a permanent one, we highly recommend entering the lottery this year. 

The Diversity Visa Lottery is an application submitted annually for residency visas available for certain countries based on the country of birth.  A total of 50,000 green cards are available in this lottery.  For Australians and New Zealanders, the chance of success is the highest in the world, between 3 – 8%.  The application is initially free and you are allowed to apply every year if you like.  Contrary to popular belief, you may apply for the diversity lottery even if you currently are in the U.S. on an E-3 visa or are seeking other residency or visa options.

While the chances may seem slim, we have had quite a few clients who have been successful in the past couple of years. The deadline for submissions this year is Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 12:00PM EST in the U.S. (GMT -5).

Online registration for the 2020 Diversity Lottery is now open and can be found at the US Department of State’s webpage at: https://www.dvlottery.state.gov/(S(ghqzrgpbjp3ezlok1sgcfnr1))/default.aspxT  Remember that there is no cost for the initial application, so if you find yourself on a website that requires payment, that would not be an official government application.

Please feel free to contact us for further questions or to set up a consultation to review your U.S. visa options.