The valuation of assets is a critical part of family law property settlements and divisions. Lawyers and clients are not usually property value experts, whether in the industry of real estate, businesses, cars or jewellery. You would be surprised how many people suddenly decide that they are experts in this field when they separate from their long-term partner! As a result, independent property valuations are commonly obtained when disputes arise about the precise value of items of property. But are those values, once obtained, set in stone
It is not unusual for valuations to be updated as a result of the passage of time – a property valuation that is two years old may not accurately reflect the current value. In what appears to be an uncertain real estate market at present, a valuation obtained even a few months ago may be able to be challenged based on new information and changes in market conditions. Business valuations also have a significant amount of complexity – sometimes it is best to obtain historic valuations of businesses ‘as at separation’ because of conduct by a party that has had the result of diminishing the value. It is extremely common for business owners to claim that their business has suddenly faced a downturn immediately after separation and the Court is increasingly sceptical about such claims, and so historic valuations may well be appropriate or useful to the Court. If you are on the other side of this equation though, an insistence on the current value may well be much more in your interests.
In short, you should engage a lawyer who is alive to these issues rather than blindly follows a set structure or path for every case. Tailored, specific advice is invaluable, and is something that we offer at Nevett Ford Melbourne. Call us on 9614 7111 to discuss your circumstances.