In response to the current Coronavirus pandemic, all States and Territories have closed their borders and implemented travel restrictions. As a result, applications for skilled visas that require the sponsorship of a State or Territory are temporarily closed.
There has not been any indication from the State Governments as to when the States and Territories will be re-opening—with the exception of South Australia, which has indicated a potential reopening of skilled visa allocations in early August 2020. However, this has not been confirmed by the Department of Home Affairs.
Other GSM (General Skilled Migration) visa programs such as the Subclass 189 visa have been slow to issue invitations, but invitations have gradually resumed since 11 June 2020. To date, 170 invitations have been issued for Subclass 189 visas, and 70 invitations issued for Subclass 491 visas (Family Sponsored).
The following is an overview of the current States and Territories sponsorship status:
The Victorian Government’s state nomination program will remain temporarily closed while we await the Commonwealth Government’s allocation of state nomination places for 2020-21.
In the meantime, the following visa programs are currently suspended:
- Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa
- Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa
- Business Innovation stream (subclass 188A) (Provisional) visa
- Investor stream (subclass 188B) (Provisional) visa
- Significant Investor stream (subclass 188C) (Provisional) visa
- Entrepreneur stream (subclass 188E) (Provisional) visa
- Significant Business History (subclass 132A) (Permanent) visa
- Venture Capital Entrepreneur (subclass 132B) (Permanent) visa
New South Wales:
NSW is closed for State Sponsored nominations under the following visa programs:
- Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa
- Business Innovation stream (subclass 188A) (Provisional) visa
- Investor stream (subclass 188B) (Provisional) visa
- Significant Investor stream (subclass 188C) (Provisional) visa
NSW will reopen for new nominations once the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs provides a visa allocation for 2020-21. Invitation rounds for NSW nominations under the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) will also commence at this time.
South Australia:
South Australia’s Skilled and Business Migration programs are scheduled to re-open from early August. Further announcements will be dependent on the Commonwealth Government’s allocation of state nomination places for program year 2020-21.
While applications for state nomination by Tasmania remain open and will continue to be considered, no nominations can be made in SkillSelect until quotas are allocated by the State Government. This includes applications lodged prior to 1 July 2020.
Queensland has been advised by the Department of Home Affairs (HA) that it will not be in a position to open the 2020/21 migration program.
Consequently, Queensland’s business and skilled migration program will remain closed from 1 July 2020 until further notice. Please note: Queensland will not be accepting any Expressions of Interest (EOI) submitted on Skillselect from 1 July 2020.
Northern Territory:
The Northern Territory (NT) Government is currently unable to issue nominations under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program and the Business Investment and Innovation Program (BIIP).
At this stage, if you are currently living in the NT, you will still be able to lodge new applications for NT nomination under the GSM program, and these applications will continue to be assessed. Offshore GSM nomination applications remain closed. BIIP nomination applications remain open only for applicants currently onshore and living in the NT.
Australian Capital Territory:
The ACT Nomination Program (including the Canberra Matrix) will remain temporarily closed while we await the Commonwealth Government’s allocation of state nomination places for 2020-21.
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