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Australian Visa Update: Business Innovation and Investment Visa Programs (BIIP) – Closures

by | Apr 15, 2020 | Migration

A number of Australian State and Territories have also exhausted their allocation of places for their Business Innovation and Investment visa program.

  • New South Wales

NSW is unable to accept applications for the BIIP until the new program year commences on 1st July 2020. This includes the Subclass 188 (A,B,C,E) and Subclass 132 (Significant Business History) streams.

Applications for the Subclasses 188A and 188C Extensions, and Subclasses 888A, B and C streams may still be lodged.

  • Queensland

The BSMQ Business Program remains closed. Applications for the following subclasses were suspended on 2 January 2020: Subclasses 188 (A,B,C,E) and Subclasses 132 – Significant Business History and Venture Capital Entrepreneur streams

Queensland will still be processing applications completed prior to this date.

  • Victoria

From 9 April 2020, Victoria’s Subclasses 132 and 188 visa nomination program will be paused for the remainder of 2019-20 and no new nomination applications accepted.

Processing will continue for applications received prior to this date, in accordance with published processing times.
Applications for the Subclasses 188A and 188C Extensions, and Subclasses 888 A, B and C streams will still be accepted.
Australian Capital Territory

The ACT has met the 2019/20 allocation of BIIP nomination places. Any applications submitted after the closure will not be processed until 1 July 2020.

  • South Australia

South Australian state nominated Business visa Subclasses 188 and 132 have reached capacity for the 2019-20 program year.

‘Intention to Apply’ submissions from interested parties who plan to apply once the new program year opens are now being accepted.

  • Tasmanian, Western Australia and Northern Territory

Business migration programs remain open for applications in these states and territory.

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